Cooking Styles

The appliance of creativity…

It is often the most simple ideas that inspire in life and the kitchen should be no exception.

Maybe a slight adaption of a simple well known recipe, or using alternative cooking methods to what you have been used to.

Perhaps breaking from convention and serving an unusual sauce combination with something that you regularly cook. (Have you tried a peppercorn or curry sauce with fish fingers?)

Getting Creative

Get creative in what you cook and how you cook it.

The traditional hob and oven still have their place, but the slow cooker, crock pot and air fryer are now very much part of how we cook.

Saving energy in how we cook is both cost effective and environmentally responsible and sometimes quicker too.

Did you know that you can roast a leg of lamb on a slow cooker? We show you how and what you need.

Often achieving greatness with food is about having the confidence to attempt to make something. We hope that some of the ideas here will inspire you to have that confidence and try it yourself.


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Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.